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Dear Colleague,
ASME will be holding a Certification 360 Workshop in China in October 2018. The main objectives of this Workshop are to explain ASME’s internationally recognized Standards and Certification programs, provide insights into how your organization can benefit from them and offer useful information about ASME’s Certification process and survey/review.
In order to make the Certification 360 Workshop more effective and relevant to your organization, we are asking if you would kindly forward this email and survey link to other people in your organization who may benefit from this Workshop.
We are also looking for your organization's feedback on specific topics ASME could cover as well as interest in learning opportunities that ASME could offer this year.
Please note that the survey is in English as a default, but that you can take it in Chinese by ticking the drop-down box on the top-right of the opening page of the survey.
Follow this link to the Survey: Take the Survey [中文调查表]
Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
https://asme.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4V04StxAulTHfPn?RID=MLRP_09AGSbTUXZDj9TT&Q_CHL=email [中文调查表网址]
ASME is a not-for-profit organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, and skills development across all engineering disciplines working towards the goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to real world challenges. ASME has over 500 published standards including the world recognized ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code which is used in over 100 countries. ASME Certification programs promote safety and quality around the world. Currently ASME has over 7300 certified manufacturers in 76 different countries.
Paul Lang
Director, Product & Personnel Certification
Conformity Assessment
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